Order The Press in Transition from the Deutsches Übersee-Institut.
The Times Literary Supplement (September 2002) says:
"Jones tells his story with verve and insight; he is neither romantic nor didactic,
and always highly readable. His eloquent and thoughtful portrait of a society contending
with the aftermath of a prolonged period of US intervention raises issues of concern to anyone
interested in international affairs." (Nicola Miller)
A wide-ranging interview with Carlos Fernando Chamorro,
former editor of the Sandinista party paper Barricada, on the experience
of revolutionary and post-revolutionary journalism in Nicaragua.
"Men of the Global South highlights a population group
which hardly figures in the literature of gender and development
-- or indeed in the literature of development in general. It describes
men in all their complexity and inconsistency -- violent and non-violent,
powerful and not powerful, straight and not straight, maintainers of tradition
and destroyers of it, as they really are and as they want and fear to be.
In doing so it fills a big gap in the literature, and raises a challenge
to the gender and development mainstream to explain why it overlooks
the gendered lives of men as well as women."
- Judy El-Bushra
Vanderbilt University Press, 2004
The most wide-ranging book ever published on gender-selective
mass killing, or "gendercide," this collection of essays is
also the first to explore systematically the targeting of non-combatant
"battle-age" males in various wartime and peacetime contexts.
Link to further information
and a full
table of contents.
Published in Journal of Human Rights, 1: 3 (September 2002).
Published in the online Journal of Humanitarian Assistance,
February 2002
Published in Transitions: The Journal of Men's Perspectives, 21: 1-3 (2001)
How did the mass media depict the "gendering" of the conflict in Kosovo?
Excerpted from CIDE Documento de Trabajo #62, 2000:
examines the Kosovo war in the context
of earlier campaigns of "gendercide" in the Balkans.
Kosovo: Orders of Magnitude
Published in IDEA: A Journal of Social Issues, 5: 1 (2000)
A detailed examination of the scale and character of Serb atrocities
in Kosovo between March and June 1999.
"A remarkable book that is immediately accessible for the novice in the field,
or students, and yet also engages with its topic in intellectually interesting ways
for the more seasoned reader. Helps chart the way forward for those already thinking about,
or tussling with, the horrors of humanity and the seemingly ever evolving capacity
to shock the conscience."
- James Gow, Professor of International Peace and Security, King's College London
"This is the best introductory text available to students
of genocide studies. Written in clear, elegant prose and supported by
a wealth of authoritative sources, Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction
is likely to be come the gold standard by which all subsequent introductions
to this enormously important subject will be measured."
- Kenneth J. Campbell, University of Delaware;
author of Genocide and the Global Village
Link to the
webpage for Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction,
including text excerpts and ordering information.
This volume, edited by myself, has been
published by Zed Books (UK). It seeks to provide
an unprecedentedly comprehensive overview
and analysis of western complicity in genocide and
war crimes, with contributions from an impressive
array of scholars worldwide. Link to an
outline of the volume.
The publicity flyer for Genocide, War Crimes & the West can now
be downloaded for printing and distribution (.pdf file -- requires
the free Adobe Acrobat reader):
Published in Istor (Mexico), Spring 2002.
William Blum,
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower
Published in Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 2002.
Carolyn O.N. Moser and Fiona C. Clark, eds.,
Victims, Perpetrators or Actors? Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence
Published in International Feminist Journal of Politics, 4: 1 (April 2002).
Shirin M. Rai, ed.,
International Perspectives on Gender and Democratisation
Published in Democratization, 8: 4 (Winter 2001).
Peter Ferdinand, ed.,
The Internet, Democracy and Democratization
Published in Democratization, 8: 4 (Winter 2001).
Richard Gunther and Anthony Mughan, eds.,
Democracy and the Media: A Comparative Perspective
Published in Democratization, 8: 3 (Autumn 2001).
Linda Melvern, A People Betrayed:
The Role of the West in Rwanda's Genocide
Lynn Horton, Peasants in Arms: War and Peace
in the Mountains of Nicaragua, 1979-1994
Published in Mesoamerica, no. 41 (June 2001)
John Conroy, Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People:
The Dynamics of Torture
Published in Human Rights Review, 2: 3 (April-June 2001)
Cynthia Enloe, Maneuvers: The International Politics
of Militarizing Women's Lives
Published in Contemporary Politics, 7: 2 (2001)
Levon Chorbajian and George Shirinian,
Studies in Comparative Genocide
Published in IDEA, 5: 1 (2000)