Bosnia & Herzegovina 2007
Photos by Adam Jones
The following photos were taken during a ten-day stay in Bosnia in July 2007.
Photo Gallery 4 - Srebrenica (1)
First, a glimpse of Sarajevo. Those of you who have seen my textbook,
Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction, will recognize this as the eternal
flame monument in the city center, a beautiful photo of which (by John Adams, courtesy
of Rotary International) was used on the cover.
The remainder of the photos in this gallery were taken on Srebrenica Memorial Day,
July 11, 2007. In the Srebrenica massacre, from July 9-13, 1995, Bosnian Serb forces who had
invaded and conquered the UN-protected "safe area" rounded up tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslim
refugees clustered at the headquarters of the Dutch peacekeeper battalion in Potocari. They
systematically separated all males over 12 years of age from the remainder of the population;
those males who had fled were hunted down in the surrounding mountains and forests. While the
remaining population was expelled to Muslim-controlled territory, some 8,000 men and boys were
murdered in Europe's worst massacre since the Second World War. Most of them were buried in mass graves.
After the Dayton Peace Accords ended the Bosnian war, the Serbs dug up many of the corpses and reburied
them in secondary graves, seeking to disguise the scale of the atrocities and inhibit identification of
the bodies. Delegates to the 7th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars
(IAGS), of whom I was one, attended the annual memorial ceremony and also witnessed excavations underway
at a mass grave near the Potocari site. For more information on Srebrenica, see David Rohde's definitive
account, Endgame, and the Gendercide Watch case-study of the massacre.
Below: Countryside outside Potocari.
Part of the factory complex where thousands of Muslim refugees were detained by the Serbs
in July 1995, amidst scenes of rape and escalating murder.
View over the factory from a nearby hill (close to the site of the mass grave
shown in Photo Gallery 6).
Some of the hundreds of coffins containing the bodies of Srebrenica massacre victims
unearthed in mass graves by forensic investigators, and scheduled for reburial on this
memorial day. The bodies of over 4,000 massacre victims have now been positively identified.
One of the coffins makes its way to the reburial site.