Argentina, 2003-04

Photos by Adam Jones

Photo Gallery 11

More shots from Corrientes, Resistencia, & Posadas

In Resistencia, "City of a Thousand Sculptures";
outside the cathedral

In Resistencia, outside the cathedral

Lottery ticket seller, Resistencia

With another of the city's thousand sculptures.

Lottery ticket seller, Resistencia

At "La Aventura" resort outside Posadas:
Lily, daughter, and friends

Lily, daughter, and friends

Lily, posed

She told me that she was provincial kick-boxing champion of Misiones.
I wasn't about to argue the point ...

Lily, posed

Lily, unposed

Lily, unposed

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All photographs are copyright Adam Jones 2004. Permission is granted for non-commercial use if the author is acknowledged and notified. For commercial use, please contact the author. All photographs are available in large-size (2272 x 1704), high-definition versions, suitable for print publication.